
Top 14 Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea - An illustration showcasing a warm, inviting scene of a traditional Turkish tea
Uncover the secrets of Turkish Black Tea ("Çay")! Learn about its rich history, 14 amazing health benefits, potential side effects, brewing tips, and the 5 best brands for an authentic Turkish tea experience.

14 Health Benefits of Drinking Turkish Black Tea and Side Effects! Turkish Black Tea, or “Çay” as folks in Turkey call it, is a super popular drink there. It’s made from the leaves of a plant called Camellia sinensis. What makes it special is how it’s made and how people drink it. It’s brewed strong and served in little clear glasses that let you see its beautiful deep red color. Drinking this tea is a big deal in Turkey, showing friendship and making guests feel welcome.

Uncover the secrets of Turkish Black Tea (“Çay”)! Learn about its rich history, 14 amazing health benefits, potential side effects, brewing tips, and the 5 best brands for an authentic Turkish tea experience.

A Little Bit of Tea History

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea - A colorful illustration depicting the history of Turkish Black Tea
Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea – A colorful illustration depicting the history of Turkish Black Tea

The story of Turkish Black Tea starts in the 1900s. Tea has been around forever, but Turkey got really into it in the early 20th century. They began growing tea in Rize, a place near the Black Sea, where the weather and soil are just right for tea plants. They wanted their own tea because coffee was getting hard to find and costly. Now, drinking tea is a big part of life in Turkey, and they drink lots of it!

Health Benefits of Drinking Turkish Black Tea

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea - An infographic style illustration highlighting the top health benefits of drinking Turkish Black Tea
Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea – An infographic style illustration highlighting the top health benefits of drinking Turkish Black Tea

Turkish tea is a cool and good-for-you drink that people have loved for a long, long time

Let’s check out the top 10 good things about Turkish tea that science says are true:

1. Full of Antioxidants

Turkish tea is great because it has lots of antioxidants. These are like superheroes that fight off bad guys called free radicals. Free radicals can make you age too fast or get sick with things like heart disease or cancer. Drinking Turkish tea can help fight these bad guys off.

2. Good for Your Tummy

This tea isn’t just tasty; it’s also great for your digestion. It has stuff called tannins that help break down food and make your stomach happy.

3. Keeps Your Heart Happy

Turkish tea is full of flavonoids, which are like health boosters for your heart. They can help lower your blood pressure and bad cholesterol. This means less chance of getting heart disease because your arteries stay clear.

4. Boosts Your Immune System

Just one cup has lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

5. Makes Your Brain Sharp

Turkish tea has caffeine and a special thing called theanine, which help make your brain work better. ​

6. Helps You Lose Weight

The stuff in Turkish Tea can help your body burn energy and fat faster. If you eat healthily and move around a lot, this can help you lose weight.

7. Keeps Teeth and Bones Strong

Turkish Tea can fight off germs in your mouth, which means less chance of getting cavities or gum disease. It also has fluoride, which makes your teeth and bones strong.

8. Helps You Stay Hydrated

Even though it has caffeine, Turkish tea is mostly water, which is great for keeping you hydrated. Staying hydrated helps your body work better, like helping with digestion and keeping your brain sharp.

9. Lowers Diabetes Risk

Drinking Turkish tea can help keep your blood sugar levels nice and steady. This is because it has good stuff in it that helps your body handle sugar better, which can lower your chance of getting type 2 diabetes.

10. Calms Stress and Anxiety

Making Turkish tea can be a calm and soothing routine that helps lower stress and anxiety. It’s not just about the drink; it’s also about taking a peaceful moment for yourself.

Turkish Black Tea Side Effects

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea - The side effects of too much Turkish Black Tea consumption
Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea – The side effects of too much Turkish Black Tea consumption

Turkish Black Tea is usually okay for most people. But, if you drink a lot of it, you might feel some not-so-nice things because of the caffeine in it. Here’s what could happen:

1. Trouble Sleeping

Caffeine wakes you up. So, if you drink this tea a lot, especially before bed, you might find it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. This could make you feel tired during the day.

2. Feeling Jittery

Drinking too much of this tea can make you feel all shaky and nervous. This happens more to people who are really sensitive to caffeine.

3. Fast Heartbeat

Too much caffeine can make your heart beat really fast or in a weird way. This is usually okay if you’re healthy but can feel scary. If your heart is already a bit tricky, you need to be careful with how much tea you drink.

4. Stomach Aches

Caffeine can make your stomach produce more acid. This might give you a tummy ache, make you feel sick, or even cause diarrhea, especially if you drink it without eating anything. If your stomach gets upset easily, you might want to drink less of this tea.

Tips for Drinking Turkish Black Tea

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea - An illustration featuring the traditional process of making Turkish Black Tea
Health Benefits and Side Effects of Turkish Black Tea – An illustration featuring the traditional process of making Turkish Black Tea
  • Don’t Drink Too Much: Try not to have too much tea so you don’t get too much caffeine. Adults should try to stay under 400 milligrams of caffeine a day. Since one cup of tea has about 40-70 milligrams, you can check how much you’re having.
  • Know How It Affects You: Everyone is different. Some people can have a lot of caffeine without feeling bad, but others can’t. If you know caffeine makes you feel weird, try drinking less tea or maybe try tea without caffeine.
  • Think About When You Drink It: Having tea early in the day is better so it doesn’t keep you up at night. Try not to drink it too close to bedtime.
  • Talk to a Doctor If You’re Not Sure: If you’re pregnant, have heart problems, or caffeine bothers you, it’s a good idea to ask a doctor how much tea is okay for you to drink.

Drinking Turkish Black Tea in a good amount can let you enjoy its yummy taste and be part of fun tea times without feeling bad later.

How to Make Turkish Black Tea

Making Turkish Black Tea is fun!  Here’s how to do it:

  1. Boil Water

First, we need hot water. If you have a special tea pot with two parts (it’s called “çaydanlık”), fill the bottom part with water and heat it up until it boils.

  1. Add Tea

Next, take about 2 big spoons of Turkish black tea leaves and put them in the top part of the pot.

  1. Brew

Now, take some of the boiling water from the bottom and pour it into the top part with the tea leaves. Fill it up a little bit, about 1/4 or 1/3 of the way. Let it sit there for about 15-20 minutes. The hot water from the bottom will make the tea in the top part really tasty.

  1. Serve

In Turkey, people like their tea strong. When it’s ready, pour the tea into a glass. Then, add more hot water from the bottom pot to make it just right for you. You can drink it plain or add sugar to sweeten it up.

Relax and Enjoy!

Making and drinking Turkish Black Tea is about taking a break and enjoying the moment, by yourself or with friends.

5 Best Turkish Black Tea

Here are five of the best Turkish Black Tea brands you might want to try:

1. Çaykur

  • Why It’s Great: Çaykur is one of the most popular and beloved tea brands in Turkey. It’s a state-owned company that offers a wide range of black tea varieties. Çaykur’s Rize Tea is especially famous for its rich flavor and aroma.
  • Best For: Those looking for an authentic Turkish tea experience. Their teas are harvested in the Rize province, known for its ideal tea-growing climate.

2. Doğuş

  • Why It’s Great: Doğuş tea is known for its high quality and smooth taste. It has a slightly lighter flavor compared to some other brands, making it a good choice for those who prefer their tea less strong.
  • Best For: Tea drinkers who enjoy a milder brew but still want the full-bodied taste of Turkish black tea.

3. Lipton Yellow Label

  • Why It’s Great: While Lipton is an international brand, their Yellow Label tea is quite popular in Turkey. It offers a consistent and familiar taste that’s enjoyed by many around the world.
  • Best For: Those who prefer a brand they’re familiar with but want to explore its Turkish-style preparation.

4. Karali

  • Why It’s Great: Karali is another top choice for Turkish black tea enthusiasts. It’s known for its strong and robust flavor. Karali tea leaves produce a deep, dark color and a rich taste that’s characteristic of traditional Turkish tea.
  • Best For: Experienced tea drinkers looking for a strong and aromatic tea to enjoy throughout the day.

5. Ahmad Tea – Istanbul Blend

  • Why It’s Great: Though not a Turkish brand, Ahmad Tea’s Istanbul Blend is crafted to honor the traditional flavors of Turkish black tea. It combines several black teas to create a blend that’s aromatic and full of flavor.
  • Best For: Those who are curious about a blend that pays homage to Istanbul’s rich tea culture.

In conclusion, Turkish black tea is more than just a drink. It’s good for you, helps you think better, and keeps you healthy. So, making a cup of Turkish tea a part of your day is a great idea!

About the author


A renowned expert on tea parties, holds a deep understanding of the South Florida tea party scene and has extensive knowledge about tea parties across the globe.

With a rich background spanning several years, they have immersed themselves in the traditions, nuances, and cultural aspects of tea gatherings worldwide.

writings reflect a blend of firsthand experience and scholarly research, offering readers an authentic and comprehensive perspective on the world of tea parties.

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